Friday 14 October 2011

Tourists 13/10

He Said...

A good nights sleep and up relatively early today for some more horizontal pool side land sport, we had booked a car this afternoon ( listen to cars) to show us the delights of the island( it's only 60km around so it shouldn't be too long)
I also hired a mountain bike as tomorrow I shall circumnavigate said island and hopefully not die of heat stroke or big truck stroke.
There are a checklist of "to sees" in Samui and our driver had them all on his list. The Grandmother and Grandfather rocks are rocks that look like cock and VJJ, they have a habit of calling rocks things that they look nothing like, Elephant Rock for example looks nothing like an elephant, these two however do bear a reasonably striking resemblance to the aforementioned, judge for yourselves.

The next stop was the mummified monk, I have no idea why, I mean the dead guy is wearing Raybans, mummified, in a glass box?

Samui does have some beautiful waterfalls the ones we went to see were originally named Waterfall 1 and Waterfall 2, in the same comp,ex they had the usual elephants but also an amazing one tear old Tiger, it had been hand reared the idea being that pegope pay to take a picture with it and the money goes to saving Tigers in the wild.
It's one of the few animals I've never seen in the wild and it was really to be so close, he had a brother who was just two months old and the size of a puppy, in just 10 months he would be the size of this guy ( 3 metres on his hind feet)

The next stop was supposed to be the butterfly farm, so at this point we intervened and rescheduled, we continued North on the Western coast trying to find somewhere to take in the sunset, I remembered my friend Kristen and so we hopped into the Four Seasons, named dropped and took cocktails in the restaurant with a great sunset view, it sets at 6 pm on the nose so after a cocktail and soft shell crab appetiser we were back at the hotel by 7 pm and into the restaurant, this time we took the Western menu, it was good but when in Thailand, eat Thai.

I picked up the Thai Times at the hotel as the flooding in Bangkok is getting worse, our hotel is in the yellow sector which is only threatening 50cm floodwater, so that's okay then.
Bike tomorrow.

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