Saturday 1 October 2011

Nip in the air 20/09

He Said...

I accosted a Tibetan monk at Delhi airport as both Ais and I swore he was 'His Holiness' the D.L,  I mean how many Monks fly first class and have a posse. Anyway he wasn't, but he was number 3 Lama, so that's like Prince William and not the Queen, so still a score.

I won't go on about economy class on planes...I'll get DVT one day, that'll teach them.

So we flew overnight and through Singapore , some 5500 miles on Singapore Air, suffice to say the TV screens in 1st class were bigger than my seat at the back.

Beijing airport is a wonder of architecture, we couldn't take pictures so take my word for it, I had booked a car from the airport as I was done humping bags for a while, our hotel- the Dong jiao min xiang, is actually a proper hotel...with big beds and fridges, hot and cold water, a porcelain toilet and even a mini bar, we are also paying more than we ever have, but for now we are a stones throw from the Metro, Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City so horses for courses.

The penalty for littering in China is death, it seems, the place is immaculate, ( India should take note) the weather is much much cooler so I'm happy as I get to wear all the things I packed for Kathmandu.
We arrived in time for sunset over Tiananmen, what we weren't told was that they pack it up at 6pm and the Forbidden City, well it becomes just that. So we wondered around taking in the Willow trees, marching soldiers and lack of litter and Eau de pee.

We chose a traditional duck place for dinner and did the whole bird with Hoi Sin sauce, pancakes and accoutrements, all washed down with Tsing Tao.
I'm shattered as I haven't  really slept in nearly 40 hours, it's a shame as our in room amenities include one box with the following instructions-

" Stimulate women, true love like water and fish, use brisk comfort of queen around moistening of male genitalia in romantic life journey make you have no worries about one's family"

...maybe tomorrow!


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