Saturday 1 October 2011

Chinglish 22/09

He said...

We rolled out of bed late again and attacked the buffet, I ventured at some noodle things and Ais the fried rice.Today we would head for the Summer Palace and another Metroexperience.

Chinglish is when the Chinese attempt to literally translate into English creating such classics as "Don't stroke the goods" instead of "No Touching" in a museum and "No Tossing" as opposed to "Don't Litter", it's everywhere and provides day long amusement.

The Summer Palace is alot of hectares and encompasses lakes, gardens of reflection,temptation, harmony, more reflection, shock, awe and Buddhist temples, it is a tranquil place of beauty and meditation.They make no bones about the fact that the Brits burnt it all down in 1860 so it all had to be rebuilt, which is kind of ironic as everything that Emporer Ming built he managed to burn to the ground as well, we just did a better job I guess.

It houses some of the original furniture and artefacts of the Ming and Xing dynasties which is incredibly intricate and beautifully made, bottom line-It was a nice walk in the park and another tick on the things to visit in China box.

After our buffet experience and last nights local fayre we both felt like something Western, sorry to disappoint but it was either Maccie D's or the Colonel, and the - all beef patties, lettuce, onion, pickle, cheese in a sesame seed bun,won out.
We were on Wangfuijing Street which is Beijing's main shopping street, take a left and you go from the modern high rise, mirror fronted, Western style shopping to the back alley (hutong) market hustle and bustle of Donghuamen Lu.
They call it a night food Market, I call it Street meat street, but no ordinary meat, this is the place for spider kebabs, scorpion pie, sea horse amuse bouche and centipede soup.
Ais was tempted by the donkey schlong, but we opted for the safer banana fritters instead.
In the West when you feel like Chinese food you go to China Town, in Beijing I guess you just go to town?

We are officially hosteling it tonight as our Tibet tickets have not yet materialised, we are at the Leo Hostel with the backpacking brethren, who are young and old it seems. The place is cozy the staff are helpful but a bottle of Pine Sol would do wonders.

We shunned the package trip to the G.W.O.C and have decided to go on our own tomorrow, we are getting braver!

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