Saturday 1 October 2011

September 26th

mid train ride, 8 hours to go....
We left Beijing on the evening of the 24 th. Slept through the night comfortably. We woke up rather early to a fairly non descript view. Pretty dry and dusty hills. Then as we continued, the colours changed, the hill formations got more interesting as caves appeared. There were fields and fields of corn and dried up sunflowers. Eventually the fields turned to wheat, I think. The houses were made of mud. On occasion you could see mounds of dirt like sugar loaves with markers. Graves!

These damn Chinese just smoke constantly on either end on the car, so if the door is open the stink rolls in to the cabin. Any wonder people have trouble breathing on this train, it is the smoke, not the altitude.
We had a breakfast of vegetables, rice soup and a bug dough ball. Less than tasty. I ate it anyway. We went back to our cabin and I dozed for a while. Ric got caught up on his blog. I will wait until the 26th to do mine, I am nearly finished with my Patricia d Cornwell novel that I have been waiting to complete til now. I also got hooked on playing angry birds for a few hours.
Our other bunk mates got off at lanshou and freaking sleep apnea guy rolled in. I could kill him. I swear he is using up all the oxygen in the cabin, good luck to us sleeping with him sounding like a freight train. Even with ear plugs deeply embedded in my ears, I can still hear him, plus the vibrations are coming down to my bunk as I am directly below him. To boot, the idiot smokes!!!!!

We decided to skip breakfast and have fruit that I had purchase in Beijing. I bought water and tea at ridiculously exorbitant prices in the train. The view thus far has been of rolling hills(actually mountains at this elevation) all sprinkled with snow. They look like mounds of brown sugar sprinkled with icing sugar. Just glorious. Hmmmm...I must be hungry!

Things I am so happy I brought: toilet paper, talcum powder, face wipes, cleansing wipes, fruit.
Wish I brought a face mask (as in nose and mouth mask for the smoke), more toilet paper, a mug, tea and more fruit and drinks.
Wish they at least let us know the elevation we have been reaching and the actual route and stations. Also that they would ban smoking and filter the air.
Have at least one person staff that speak English and is friendly.

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