Saturday 8 October 2011

Conspiracy 05/10

He Said...

A noon flight makes for another lie in, we checked out of the Closet and took the courtesy bus to the MTR (Metro) you can check into your flight at the subway and dump your luggage, very convenient .
Honk Kong airport is just a massive mall, it's like Bal Harbour with planes, unfortunately my HK$ only stretched to a pack of M&M's for me and some Gummy Bears for Ais.
Great plane from HK to Singaping, I even bagged an exit row.

There is a conspiracy with airlines right now, it's not enough that the prices are all up between 20-50% they have to mess with you too, we gad a great movie selection on the plane, all new- could we get the damn screens to work...nah ah, so we switched seats for Transformers 3, of course 39 minutes into the flight, the film was now longer than the flight so that was good.

Arriving at Singaping we had 30 minutes to change terminals and shop, now that's just inconsiderate. They took my suntan lotion at security that I hadn't yet used but had carried with me since London and that I would only need in Koh Samui, it was suddenly a security risk. The flight was full, the plane was old, I just couldn't see the propellors, my seat choice was Mr Cardiac Arrest or Collic child and the video system was Beta max so not only did I not get to see the end of my last film, but by the time they re-wound the system ( think audio tape and pencil) the second film, Bad Teacher, was now again longer than the flight....Bastards!
Oh and both meals had mushrooms so my only other choice was rice and boiled to death green stuff.

We were warned that the flight approach to BKK ( the airport not the fast food joint, Heads) would be a tad bumpy- (queue Twilight Zone music and strange green Gremlin on wing)
I thought we landed at least three times but when rubber hit tarmac we were in the ass middle of the Typhoon.
We found a taxi and set off gathering the animals two by two, our hotel, which we pseudo booked on the phone, without guarantee or confirmation, was The Shanghai Mansion.
Love you long time.

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