Saturday 17 September 2011

TP3 17/09

So we arrived in Delhi and straight to our hotel for breakfast, our Hotel-The Shanty Palace is more the former than the latter but it's home for the next two days.

This is the last day of out official tour and we have our obligatory orientation of the city including the parliament, ministerial offices, India gate and the shopping area of Connaught Place.

The best thing about Delhi is the Metro system, thank you Mr Metro for your wonderful invention, whisking folk under and over ground to their destinations, in Delhi this a respite from the TP3,* it gets us where we want to go fast and safe and makes it easy to negotiate the city.
The best thing about our group is South Afican Marks' dreads, the Indians are fascinated by his locks and he is mobbed wherever he goes by people wanting to touch his hair or just take his picture, as he does resemble a young Bob Marley.It has been a constant source of amusement for them, and us.

Our final dinner was a fairly somber affair, I think everyone was suffering slighty from P.T.D.D ( post tour de-stress disorder)The meal was great, the girls ordered Indian wine (?) which was immediately sent back due to it's close relationshipto fizzy vinegar.

At the end of the meal the  'Indian pepper gauntlet' was laid down by Ais who found the food not spicy enough, suffice to say I don't think she will be throwing down any more pepper gauntlets any time soon, neither will the two fools that took up the 'down it in one' challenge. I imagine the heat, pain, sweat, tears and running nose that was experienced would be repeated in about 6-8 hours, only this time on the flip side.....ouch.

We said our respective goodbyes to group and tour leader. The company of Mark, Lotti, Aimee, Bridget, Ingrid x2, Veronica and Abhi will be missed and friendships were made.
We're on our own now..... :s

*Traffic, Pollution, Potholes, Pee.

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