Sunday 11 September 2011

Instant Coffee 11/09

He Said...

My Buddhist calendar tells me its January 5th 2554, thats makes it my 582nd birthday next month, so start saving, oh and Marty McBride says Hi ( film humor)

Varanasi won't be winning any beautiful city awards any time soon, cos it's not.
The hotel we are staying it needs euthanising, it's way way past it's prime, seen its better days and is now on it's way to a huge coronary.
It certainly had those glory days and you see glimpses of that in the gilt framed pictures in the corridors, the faded torn silk wall paper and the shabby grandeur of the place.
But when you order breakfast and it all comes with the proper tea service, cruet sets and starches White-ish napkins, all dating back to aforementioned bygone era and all in need of a deep deep clean, and then you are presented with a bowl of instant coffee granules in a glass ramekin- you just know that the glimmer it once had has all but gone.

So I didn't make the wake up call but Ais went and the sunrise looked beautiful. I had a leisurely morning until Captain Elastic Fantastic turned up for a Master Yoga session! They  called it Raj Yoga but for the purpose of this blog lets call Arrrrrgh Yoga. It was a learning experience as our Yogi took us through the different exercises for each part of the body, I need to work on my crab but think I earned my black belt.

After Yoga we visited a Silk factory which was incredible to watch them make amazingly intricate fabrics that can take upto 6 months to complete one piece at 1cm per day, I think everybody bought, including Ais with a gorgeous pink and aquamarine Sari which was measured and will be cut, tailored and delivered for our wedding tomorrow*

Our evening activity was to attend a daily ritual blessing to Mother (the river) Ganges and Lord Shiva, it is a difficult thing to describe other than to say it involved singing, bell ringing, josstick twirling, fire throwing, petal throwing, clapping, incense burning, candle lighting, blessing and praying, it was interesting to be a part of and fascinating that they do it every day 7/365.

I think we take a train tomorrow. All Aboard!

*Just checking who's reading. ;)

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