Monday 5 September 2011

And then I blew my nose... 5/09

He Said...

I wondered why so many Kathmandudes wear face masks, and then I blew my nose...

However upon taking my Everest flight at 6am this morning, once you fly above the smog and cloud the true beauty and majesty of the Himalayan range is immediately upon you. It's surreal to be flying in a small turbo prop at 25,000ft and have snow capped peaks above you. Everest stands out with it's iconic pyramid shape at just under 29,000ft ( it grew 3 metres since it's last measurement, for all you mountain geeks) It's sponsored by Pepsi now and the logo can clearly be seen in the snow.

The flight was only an hour long and as we landed back through the smog we each received a certificate proclaiming "You were all to lazy to actually make the trek to base camp, never mind up the mountain, so you took the easy option and booked a tourist flight". They said it differently, something about leaving a "piece of your heart", but we all new we had kopped out!

We left the hotel after breakfast, and here was me thinking my early morning flight was the highlight of the day, no one mentioned the 7 hour bus ride to Pokhara. The same road rules apply as before, except the potholes were bigger and the views more spectacular.

So now we are here, at the base of the Annapurna range and 6 of the highest mountains in the world in plain site. Had a early evening run around the lake followed by Pad Thai, a 650 ml San Miguel and Banana and chocolate pancake- see...I'm a local already!!

Still no irregular movements- all is well :)

4am "mountain sunrise" start tomorrow, or so the brochure said, better be damn worth it for 4am... and have a Starbucks at the top.
Peas and Loaf.

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