Tuesday 13 September 2011

Lie In 12/09

He Said....

It seems that the Nepalise took the word for mattress from the Indians, I don't know how anyone sleeps comfortably on these, especially when your 6'4" and your ankles dangle off the end of the bed. The A/C has two speeds, Antarctic and off, needless to say what began as a cool breeze later involved chipping icicles of my toes at midnight, nevertheless we somehow managed somewhat of a lie in, till 10am.

After brekkers we set off in Tut tuts ( see earlier) I swear it's like playing chicken with traffic,  while blindfolded, I made sure all my appendages were within the vee-hik-al !

We went to the Buddhist museum, the archealogical site, the site of Lord Buddhas first sermon and the exact spot where he defeated Lord Vadar and took over the Empire... dun dun dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun!

We were packed and out of Fawlty towers at 4.30pm and back onto Tut-Tuts to the train station and the start of another epic Indian experience- the over night train, to Orccha, a rural Indian town, and a complete opposite to the malais of Varinasa...but more on that tomorrow
I think I'm getting too old for this shit.( I know Ais is)

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