Sunday 18 September 2011

Tea for Two 18/09

With no schedule to follow we crawled out of our slumber after 9 and following a leisurely breakfast we didn't leave the hotel until after 1pm. Back on the Metro and a spot of shopping.

I have been urging Ais to get a tattoo for the longest time and she finally cracked. We found a reputable artiste and she chose a very intricate design, however the words RicRox can be clearly made out across her buttocks and I really like will follow*

After our 2 weeks of slumming it, it was time for a reality check so Afternoon Tea at the Imperial Hotel was booked. We dressed as smart as our duffels allowed and settled in at the Atrium, unfortunately the hotel made the mistake of serving it buffet style, fortunately I could eat a horse, unfortunately they weren't serving horse, fortunately they were serving sandwiches, bhaji's, cheese, pickles, smoked salmon, prosciutto, chicken, scones, clotted creme, jam, eclairs, cake, creme brûlée, more cake, cookies, cake still, oh and Assam tea- my new favourite brew as the coffee here is shite.

* ok so it was only in Henna
and no it wasn't anywhere near her derrière
and maybe it didn't have any words
but a tattoo nevertheless

We took a small tour of the hotel and rooms under the guise of a couple looking for a wedding venue, it is a beautiful hotel.
The sun was setting so we headed back to the hotel to catch up on the blog and organise for our next country... China
I could murder a Chow Mein.

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