Saturday 3 September 2011

Kathmandu, Nepal

Finally got to write the blog today, 3 computers later. I couldnt get the blog to write in English. It would have been fun to attempt it in Nepalian but who would understand other than me.
We had a short flight from Delhi today and a reasonably painless visa process, however they have no idea what country Grenada is.

The small insane mini bus ride in was interesting. A lot of horn blowing like it is in the Caribbean, so no worries there.

Checked into the Fuji Hotel in the centre of town, down a little side street. We popped out in search of food. Though we got carried away just roaming the small streets which are lined with shops on either side selling pashminas, yak tshirts, wool shoes, tonnes and tonnes of trekking gear. I bought a pair of bright orange drop crotch pants. Like mc Hammer! It is what we wear here...I think.

Ric bought a cool shirt, then having left the shop and a few corners later, he realised he left his brand new oakley sunglasses behind. I dont expect this to be the last time this happens. haha. As it had rained previously I decided to wait on the side of the street while he went back.

I saw...directly across the street 2 floors up one lady pop out on to the balcony with 2 children, one in a pashmina sling over her back and the other in her arms. Another lady came out and took the baby from her arms and proceeded to place the little baby on her back and then drape a pashmina around her and tie it to the front securing her little baby to her back. The colours they wore were so vibrant and the smiles on their faces were wonderful. An experience I would not have had if Ric had not left his glasses behind nor could I capture it with ilm for fear of losing the moment.

Wonderful Nepal. I look forward to the next few days trekking around with our group as of tomorrow. evening.

btw it is quite hot here at the moment, 28 degrees


Just so you know, we dont read each others posts so that it is a genuine blog as he sees it and how I see it as per the title.

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