Friday 2 September 2011

Not quite Delhi... 2/09

He Said...

Just like Tom Hanks in that film we, are in airport limbo, in India but not really, with our bags at the mercy of the Delhi airport. I survived the flight and can recommend the movie 'The Guard' even on the postage stamp TV screen(I thought big was the new small?)I am also two Indian dishes down without need for any emergency evacuation although Ais insisted I keep my mouth closed in the shower in case I ingested the water!
Our hotel is of the transit variety in the middle of all the duty free shopping, it's called Eaton Smart...I have no idea why.
Tomorrow we take a flight over the Himalayas and into Nepal...maybe our baggage will join us!?
P.S. I-pad...mmmmmmm not so much, yet, will update as learning curve increases.

The local bottled water is AquaFina, they say it's filtered at source- I think with a colander. My body successfully filtered it in about 15 minutes.
I'm still trying to work out the Hindu significance of a pint of Guiness balancing on a boiled egg...but thats art...who am I to critique?

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