Tuesday 6 September 2011

Home on the range... 6/09

He Said...

The Himalayan range to be exact and the Annapurnas, to be precise.They didn't exactly cooperate at 5am, but then neither did Starbucks,unless you count a real Chai Latte.

But as the sun rose and reflected off of their icy slopes, they unveiled themselves from behind the morning clouds and we were spectators in an amphitheater of geological masterpiece.
Peak after 8000m peak from left to right presented themselves, leaving the by now impatient crowd in silence, well except for the incessant whirring and flashing of SLR's, digitals and those in-between hybrid cameras...but nevertheless pretty damn awesome.

Pokhara is a cool town, it has a laid back vibe, a Hippy influence mixed with back packers, climbers and random Japanese bus tours. It has a huge picturesque lake and from a postcard picture could be any number of Swiss ski villages, it has fast wireless internet, ATM's and wood fired pizzas but it also has Temples, Shrines, Ibises' and those mean looking black horned cows that just look pissed off all the time and stand in the middle of the main street looking at cars and saying"What...?" But it's cool, I like it.

Our tour today was cut short by the ass end of the monsoon season so we retreated to a bar, we did manage a visit to a very cool waterfall where the torrent just disappears underground but I won't let the inner geological geek in me go there. 

We also stopped off at a Tibetan refugee village where you could literally watch the wool go from the goat to the loom to the "I heart Tibet" shoulder bag, not as authentic as one had hoped but I guess they cater to the tourist and you gots to make a livin'.

The lake has a temple so we took a row boat out to it, on the way back we had more people in our boat than a Cuban flotilla and the humour crossed the divide of race and language.

We head into the valley tomorrow, Jones...a henge you say? (you will or you won't)

Hopefully, we go safari in the Nepalese jungle for Tigers, Rhinos, Ephliphants and the like. We stay in a camp lodge, first time without A/C let's hope they have T.P!

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