Saturday 10 September 2011

Saturday 10th September

Time to cross the border from Nepal to India and then do a 10 hour bus journey. But hey, we will have AC. Bonus! 
We got up, ate and headed to the border, where Rickshaws carried our bags while we walked to immigration to exit Nepal. Easy enough only because we had a guide with us. Then we crossed over to India, the heat was pretty oppressive already and super dirty. It was a complete cluster of people, bikes, motorbikes, Rickshaws, tourist buses, local buses, motor cars (old and new) and us. All either coming or going on any side of the road that had a possible space to squeeze through.

Once settled in the bus we proceeded to join the insanity and inch, and I mean inch forward. We were entertained by a random head kicking by some random youngster in the cab of a goods delivery truck. Conveniently so, an army truck of soldiers was stuck in the traffic just next to them. Not sure if they broke it up or not. If you don't get the chai right, the driver gets pissed and a bout of Road rage ensues, I guess.

Other than that, the ride was 12 very long hours on a very bumpy, bumpy, bus. No hope of sleeping on this journey. It was, like  being on one of those old wooden roller coasters, which I usually enjoy- for a minute or so. 

During the journey, I got some cool photos and made some interesting pee stops. One in a rice paddy field where I had to look out for snakes.
We made it to Varanasi where we were given our necklace of marigolds on arrival. Welcome to India. We ordered food and sat waiting. At the other table, the other group doing the route the other way were getting drunkedy drink, drunk. Bad idea, as they were taking the bus back at 5am the following morning, to the border. We thought it best not to tell them. 
The food fantastic-things were looking up, until we made it up the room. Needless to say we changed better. I ended up sleeping on my sarong over the bedsheets. I could go on....

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