Sunday 4 September 2011

Nepalise paper panties 4/09

I have oiled sugar sand in places no man should...jet lag and the weather got the better of me today and so the biking never happened, but I accompanied Ais to the spa. If you can comfortably massage 95% of a mans body, they managed 96% today- a most comprehensive treatment shall we say ! But my full body scrub and Ayurvedic massage was one of the best - maybe not the correct thing to do in Nepal -hit the spa - but tell that to those Everest summiters who descend from 40 days climbing at +6000m I'm sure they concur that a Kathmandu massage, is just the thing.

We met our travel group today, an eclectic band of travellers from South Africa, Norway, Germany and UK- 7 chicks and two guys so should be interesting. After a brief induction  we toured downtown Kathmandu winding our way through incense filled streets full of vendors selling everything from Mickey Mouse Everest t-shirts to Momo's( a local delicacy)
The pace of life is frantic with tuttuts, cars, bikes, mopeds and pedestrians all vying for position on the tiny pot holes streets, he who has the biggest horn has right of way it seems.

Dinner this evening was at the auspicious "Rum Doodle restaurant and 40,000 1/2 foot bar", an establishment of legend, as is told by the signatures of those who have summitted and the 'Yeti Footprints' of those that made the 20 day base camp trek, and then those who conquered many an, get their wall time too (check above the toilets if your ever in the area).

I've been practising standing over the toilet and aiming for the water, as we head to the country tomorrrow, where seats don't exist, other than some ankle back splash my aim is good.
Oh and tomorrow if I drag my ass up at 5am I'm flying up and around Mt Everest- so I'm psyched!!
Nameste y'all.

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